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Digital Marketing Agency in Pune

Why Do You Even Need Digital Marketing?

There are 4.39 billion Internet users all across the World as of 2019. Hence, there is no excuse to not to use Internet for marketing your business. To create a brand recall value, use of digital marketing is must, because an average internet user spends approx. 2 hours of a day accessing Internet.

Why Digital Marketing is Not Working For Your Business?

Services We Provide

Social Media Lead Generation

To grow your business, you need more inquiries. We at Akaybee, use Social Media ads to generate relevant leads for you.
More leads = More business.

Social Media Branding

When there is more competition, customers buy from a “brand”. We are committed to increase your branding on Social media which will make it difficult for people to ignore.

WordPress Website Design

Website is not a showpiece. It displays all the relevant information as well as your achievements. We create UI-UX rich websites which drive conversions.

Clients We Worked With

And Many More.......

Major Advantages of Digital Marketing

It is Less Expensive than Traditional Marketing

We can’t deny that traditional marketing also gives good results. But it is quite expensive than digital marketing. A full front page newspaper ad costs in between 5-10 lacs in India. Usually people buy newspapers in the morning, also not necessarily all the copies get sold. Hence, to create a strong brand recall value you need to be consistent with it, but resultantly it needs a high marketing budget. On the other hand, if we used 5-10 lacs for Digital Marketing, we can not only reach to large audience, but even retarget them.

It is Easy to Measure​

Unlike traditional marketing, digital is easy to measure. If it’s SEO, you can keep watch on ranking, if it’s Google or Facebook Ad, you can measure return on ad spent, if it’s an email marketing campaign, you can measure open-rate. Keeping track of marketing activities is crucial, because you can make a further plan based on past performance.

Precise and Accurate Targeting​

Many people have a wrong perception about digital marketing. As per their definition, choosing digital means boosting posts on Facebook. But in actual, it’s way beyond than that. Digital Marketing allows us micro targeting. We can show our ad to gender, age, location, interest specific people making sure optimum use of ad budget.

Immediate Feedback​

Every business revolves around customer. Hence, customer satisfaction should be the primary objective of any business. Digital Marketing helps us to get immediate customer feedback. Whether in the form of comments, direct messages or tweets. Based on these feedback we can modify our strategy if needed.

What Makes Akaybee Media The Best Digital Marketing Company in Pune?

We understand, you maybe trying digital marketing for the first time or maybe you have had a bad experience with previous digital marketing agency, but don’t worry. We at Akaybee, believe in empathy.

representing the company's growth with Akaybee Media in Pune for digital marketing services

That’s a good question. Because Akaybee Media Studios not just provides digital marketing services in Pune but actually treats your business like ours.

Moreover, digital is a tool, when we take any project, our team put core marketing knowledge into action. 

We understand, you maybe trying digital marketing for the first time or maybe you have had a bad experience with previous agency, but don’t worry. We at Akaybee, believe in empathy. 

We don’t call ourselves the best digital marketing agency in Pune, our clients call us with that name. But, the best word is so mainstream nowadays, rather we would like to call ourselves the most trusted and humanized marketing agency.

What Our Happy Customers Say About Us?

Akaybee's Digital Marketing Procedure In Nutshell​

  • Step 1: Understanding the project

    To do better marketing, we need to understand every single pointer about your business. We do meetings with you, ask questions and create our report.

  • Step 2: Requirement gathering

    What’s your goal? What do you want to achieve and when? We make a list and start working.

  • Step 3: Competitor Analysis

    Are your competitors better than you? Doesn’t matter. We will study, scrutiny and come up with a superlative plan than them!

  • Step 4: Audience Research

    In step 1 and 2, we got a fair idea about your target audience. Now it’s our turn to go dive deep and find an exact audience which can convert into paying customers.

  • Step 5: Pre-Execution

    In this phase, we write ad copies, develop creatives, landing pages, funnel and other material. In case of websites, we make a blueprint before actually starting developing.

  • Step 6: Execution and Review

    Finally we execute the planned work. Not only this, before publishing the button, we review it thrice along with your final review.

  • Step 7: Monitoring

    It’s not like we published and the work is over. We constantly look for the improvements. Also, always on toes to tackle sudden problems.

  • Step 8: Reporting

    We track every single KPI in order to understand what’s working and whatnot. To maintain transparency, from day 1, we report you about the work!


Before we create a digital marketing strategy, we study your current presence on Internet. Your current stats & performance, ranking, social media engagement etc.

Buyer's Persona

Buyer persona refers to your ideal audience, their age, gender, location, annual income, highest level of education, occupation and many such things.

Competitor's Research

Competitor research is always beneficial. We study what they are doing and how can we do better than them. It helps us to improve our existing strategy.

Content Creation

Content is the king! If the content is mediocre, people won’t interact and resultantly there won’t be any conversions. We make sure to create and distribute engaging content across various social media platforms.


Being best digital marketing agency in Pune we believe Data speaks for itself. Data driven marketing helps us to monitor, analyze and take corrective actions. We create reports every week or two.

The icon represents the working procedure and the work flow followed by akaybee media for digital marketing projects

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Frequently Asked Questions

Well, it depends on scope of work and the efforts we need to put to create strategies. Every time we create a customized quotation for each business.

SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, Google Ads, Website development. Pune is a competitive market and thus we believe to cover all the major aspects for a company so that they can fight the competition. We cover all these services in Pune being the only digital marketing agency providing services in multiple niches.

We send you the questionnaire and based on your answers we set up a call to discuss further.

No. All the contracts are on monthly basis. If you are not satisfied with performance, you are free to cancel the contract and there is no hidden cost. 

Want To Boost Your Business Today?

drop us a line and connect with Humanized digital marketing Agency in pune

Pune, Maharashtra | +91 8329371184

Akaybee Media team creating digital marketing strategy for company

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About us

Akaybee Media Studios is a digital marketing and web design company in Pune.

Where to find us

C Wing Flat number 29, opposite Kailash Kutir, Fatima Nagar, Natraj Enclave Society, Wanowrie, Pune, Maharashtra 411040