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Case Study: 5 Months …. 8 lacs on ads… 33 lacs in revenue

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It’s time for another case study.

We got this client because we promoted our other case studies on the Internet. The prospect has gone through it and called us. Meeting happened, where we explained everything to him.

And obviously, he gave us his project. I used ‘obviously’ because in our business only performance speaks. So the closure was bound to happen.

In this case study, I will explain how we spent 8,14,690.40 INR on digital ads and how we got 33,74,865 INR in revenue.

Project Introduction

Niche: Education

Subniche: Programming/Software Testing related courses

Target Location: India

Target Audience: IT college graduates as well as last year students.

Average course price: 24,999 INR

Platforms we marketed on: Facebook, Instagram

The Problem

The Institute had been successful, however almost 90% of their admissions were coming from their tie-ups with colleges. They wanted to explore digital marketing, especially Meta ads so that revenue would be increased.

The Solution 

Preliminary study 

We did multiple meetings with the client and learned what they actually teach and sell. The pricing, USP, offer, target location, audience, and age, we took every information required before running ads. Also, we took previous students’ email and contact list to create a custom audience.

Competitor Research

We took a few names from the client as well as we also researched a few. Then, we checked what types of ads they are running, what are they offering, their landing pages, copywriting etc. The reason behind doing such competitor research is not copying them but coming up with a better plan than them. 

Ad Strategy Development

After gathering all the necessary information, we crafted a comprehensive ad strategy tailored to the client’s needs and goals. Our strategy focused on:

  • Ad Formats: We utilized various ad formats including carousel ads, video ads, and single image ads to engage different segments of the target audience effectively.
  • Messaging: We developed compelling ad copies highlighting the institute’s USPs, course benefits, and success stories to resonate with potential students.
  • Creatives: Our design team created visually appealing ad creatives that aligned with the institute’s branding and captured the attention of the target audience.

Audience Targeting

Using the client’s existing student database, we created a custom audience to retarget previous students and their contacts. Additionally, we developed lookalike audiences to expand our reach to similar profiles. The targeted groups included:

  • IT College Graduates and Final Year Students: The primary audience likely to enroll in programming and software testing courses.
  • Geographic Targeting: Ads were specifically targeted to key locations in India where the demand for IT education is high.
  • Demographic Targeting: We focused on individuals aged 20-25, ensuring our messaging was relevant to their stage in life and career aspirations.

Ad Placement and Budget Allocation

To maximize the effectiveness of our budget, we strategically placed ads across Meta platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. Our budget allocation was as follows:

  • 80% on Prospecting Ads: These ads aimed at reaching new audiences and generating interest.
  • 20% on Retargeting Ads: These focused on engaging users who interacted with our prospecting ads or visited the landing page but didn’t convert initially.

Landing Page Creation and Optimization

We designed a high-converting landing page that clearly outlined the course offerings, benefits, and enrollment process. Key elements included:

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Prominent CTAs encouraging visitors to sign up for free webinars or direct enrollment.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories: Showcasing the experiences of past students to build credibility and trust.
  • Limited-Time Offers: Creating a sense of urgency with exclusive discounts for early enrollments.


And the main part… You see, in online world, it’s very difficult to trust someone… More than getting leads, conversion is a problem for many brands. That’s why we decided to conduct free webinars on technical topics and invited students to attend. Client’s trainers taught subject for couple of hours and then pitched the course. Teaching was amazing hence 10% of the total attendees used to enroll for the course immediately. 

Here are some stats:

Budget for a single webinar: 15,000 INR

Total registrations on website: 230-250

Students who actually attend the webinar: 100

Students who buy the course in same webinar: 10

Though these stats keep changing every webinar as you see digital marketing is dynamic in nature. Nothing is fixed. But overall picture was this.

Follow up

However, some students still need some time to think to take a decision. For them, we asked client to call them and understand their concerns. Afterwards, client’s educational counsellors used to call and resolve their queries. Resultantly more admissions. 

Final Results 

Over the course of five months, our meticulously planned and executed strategy yielded remarkable results:

  • Ad Spend: ₹8,14,690.40
  • Revenue Generated: ₹33,74,865
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Approximately 4.15

The results speak volumes about the effectiveness of our approach. Here’s a breakdown of the key metrics:

  • Leads Generated: 12,585
  • Number of people reached: 26 lacs
  • Impressions: 1.42 crores


To grow business you must spend money on ads. Because if people don’t know you, how will they become your customers? The more money you spend, the more people you reach.

Secondly, just spending money won’t work. You need the right marketing team who understands your business, who has prior experience of working with businesses. 

Lastly your product/service must be top-notch. No marketing can save a poor product. 

If you manage advertising budget, good product and right marketing team, there is nothing which can stop your business from growing.

Thanks for reading.


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