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The Process Behind Achieving 1.5 Crores+ In Sales For Education Clients in 2021

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2021 was only the second year of my entrepreneurial career. In the first year, I was all alone working with freelancers, doing small things here and there. However at the end of the year, unknowingly I built one amazing case study and my 2021 started with a bang. Before writing this article, I did all the calculations and realized we have achieved over 1.5 cr (combined) INR in sales for all of our online education clients.

[Hmm, so you put 2 crs on ads and got 1.5 crs in sales, smart huh!?]

Haha, no wayy … Ad spent is something around 33-34 lacs.

Of course, I can’t put all the screenshots as it’s very tricky but I assure you that after reading this entire article, you will surely believe that – “ Haan, sach me achieve kiyaa hi hogaa!!” Also, we are a team of 8 people now. My clients grew; resultantly I also grew.


I remember, when I was a kid, before joining any tuition, I used to take their demo classes for 1-2 days. And I am sure, many of you had been doing the same. It’s all about trust. After understanding the teaching method of the teacher, we used to take admission, didn’t we? This was about offline classes.

In the online world, there is so much chaos because there is no entry barrier. Anybody can create a course by watching a few YouTube videos. Initially, it worked for those who took first-mover advantage. But now, sales has become difficult because of too many players in the market. The audience gets confused about whom to trust? Even if you are running an institute for 10 years and decide to go online, unless you are a nationwide brand whose franchises are in multiple cities, you are starting from zero.

For online audience everybody is the same.

Our agency’s tagline is “ We Humanize Marketing”. This is not just a tagline but we actually implement it in our day-to-day job.

Coming back to the trust factor, we have been using a webinar model for our clients and it gave us super amazing results!

The webinar is nothing but an online demo class. When the audience doesn’t know you, you allow them to know your expertise. And then they buy it!

On paper, this is not rocket science and seems an easy task. But when you start execution, you realise how many nuances it has!

The Nuances

In the last 1.5 years, we have worked with education clients from various industries such as Spoken English, Vedic Maths, Abacus, Legal Education, Programming, Civil Engineering, Game development.

And for every client, success parameters are different.

For e.g. For Spoken English, the Cost Per Lead(CPL) of Facebook is 9 Rs, because it has demand and the audience is broad.

For Vedic Maths, the Cost Per Lead is 50 Rs because it is kind of a niche subject.

For Legal Education CPL is even higher.

But again, CPL is not the right success parameter. We can literally manipulate the cost by making changes to ads. When you are experienced, you can do such things. So CPL is not a top priority but “ Quality of Lead “ is!

Let me explain it to you with an example.

For example, your course price is 3,000 Rs. You got 100 leads and the cost per lead is 10 Rs. So you spent 1,000 Rs only. Out of 100 leads, 4 people bought your course.

1000 Rs (money spent on ads) = 12,000 Rs (Money you made)

Now let’s understand another scenario.

The course price is the same. But the lead cost is 25 Rs. You spent the same 1000 Rs and got only 40 leads. Out of 40 leads, 7 people bought your course.

1000 Rs (money spent on ads) = 21,000 Rs (Money you made)

Please read the above example twice and you will get my point. Quality of leads.

This is just one point. With different niches comes different audience. When the target audience are kids, we need to target their parents because they are the decision makers.

When our product is costly, we need to target people who are engaged shoppers, who constantly make transactions from Facebook, who have expensive taste.

Then comes the sales part. If we generate quality leads but the webinar is not convincing, then people don’t buy. Another scenario is, the webinar is excellent, but telecalling team (education counsellors) is not capable of converting, sales doesn’t happen.

So these are some of the nuances. Some? Yes, there are more!

So, How Team Akaybee Works?

I will make it very simple with a step-by-step explanation.

Step 1: After signing a contract, we do multiple meetings with client. The purpose of meetings is to gain as much information about the client’s business. Yes, we send Google Form Questionnaire too. But, listening to them gives you info which even Google form can’t. Usually, businesses ask their clients requirement but we don’t. We know the only requirement is PROFIT. So, we ask them for freedom and do things in our own way. Requirements are fine when you are creating a website or software. For marketing, requirements don’t work!

Step 2: We list down the important points from the discussion and start making planning.

Step 3: The plan includes which activities to perform and the deadline attached to it. And we make sure to complete the tasks before the deadline. Which tasks?

  • Audience research
  • Competitor research
  • Writing ad copies
  • Designing creatives
  • Creating landing pages
  • Copy required for landing page
  • Setting up webinar funnel
  • Setting up Business Manager
  • Setting up Google analytics
  • Pointers required for webinar PPT
  • Demo webinar with our team so that we can give suggestions from the customer’s point of view

And so on.

Step 4: Once the above tasks are done, then only we start the ads that too with a small budget. Let’s say your monthly advertising budget is 1 lac. Then, our first campaign will be of 5,000 Rs only. Webinar by webinar we keep increasing or decreasing the budget based on the performance.

Step 5: Constant meetings with clients to discuss the existing performance and future plans.

This is not one person’s job. It requires a specialized copywriter, a person who sets up the ad and monitors, a person who designs landing page/ web page, a person who designs creatives required for the ads, a person who communicates with the client constantly, and then an agency owner who manages everything and checks whether everything is going as per the plan or not, that’s me!

That is why it is convenient to hire a digital marketing company instead of hiring an in-house team. (Exception – If you can hire a team of 5-7 people in-house and manage it on a daily basis, then go for it!)

The Last Word

One might have thought, why reveal an entire strategy and work process on the Internet? Well, it’s all about execution. When people go on vacation, they discuss their business plans and ideas but how many of them start? Very few. Vacation ends, the job starts again.

Digital marketing is not rocket science. You will find many articles like this on Google, also YouTube videos. But in the end, one who executes perfectly wins. I wrote this article because I along with my team managed to execute it!

If you are an entrepreneur and want more insights on it, feel free to book our 30 Mins Free Consultation Call.

Thank you for reading!

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