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Team Akaybee

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5 Reasons to Choose Team Akaybee As Your Web Design Company

In 1990 Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web and the rest is history. Today there are more than 2 billion websites exist on the Internet; from personal website, corporate, government to even social networking sites. Just type URL in the box and there you go with your desired website! And if you don’t know the URL, one Google search shows you the best 10 possible websites within a… Read More »5 Reasons to Choose Team Akaybee As Your Web Design Company

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Use Storytelling or Struggle

I was getting beaten badly. 2-3 more punches on my mouth and it started bleeding. They were five guys, and I was all alone. I fall down. They were laughing. The leader said to me, “ Stay away from her. She is mine!” The moment I heard those words, I went furious. He was going back with his boys and I said, “ Hey, picture abhi baaki hain mere dost”.… Read More »Use Storytelling or Struggle

Amanda Engler

Interview with Amanda Engler – A Woman Entrepreneur from California

Hello people. We are back with a new interview! This time a woman entrepreneur from California. I interviewed Amanda Engler last week. Amanda is a founder of Amanda V Engler LLC, the company which helps event professionals work with their dream clients while getting paid what they are worth without working insane hours. I got connected to Amanda a few days ago and found her knowledgeable yet very humble. So… Read More »Interview with Amanda Engler – A Woman Entrepreneur from California

Humanized marketing agency

Why do we call ourselves the humanized marketing agency?

2.5 years ago when I entered digital marketing; I was utterly clueless about this “humanized marketing” thing. I came across SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, Email Marketing, and other digital marketing terminologies. But it took me a year to know what humanized marketing is! But better late than never, still, many people don’t know humanized marketing. You visit our website, Facebook cover, or even Instagram bio for that matter,… Read More »Why do we call ourselves the humanized marketing agency?

Interview with Kait LeDonne

Interview with Kait LeDonne – A Personal Branding Expert

Hello all. I am Akshay Borate, the founder of Akaybee Media Studios, a humanized digital marketing agency in Pune. So, a couple of days ago, I got an opportunity to interview Kait LeDonne. Kait is a personal branding expert based in New York, and she runs a company called LeDonne Brands. Besides this, she also runs a program called The Influence Academy. Her knowledge in personal branding and social media… Read More »Interview with Kait LeDonne – A Personal Branding Expert

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8 Popular Types of Content

Content Marketing improves branding. Content Marketing influences purchase decisions. Content Marketing sets you apart from the competition. But, man, how to go ahead with content marketing? Can you at least tell us the types of content marketing? Okay, okay, calm down! In this blog post, we will see the popular types of content marketing through which you can kick start your content marketing campaign. What if I tell you that… Read More »8 Popular Types of Content

what is content marketing

What is Content Marketing?

  Last week our company acquired 3 new clients.     I was super busy directing my team and suddenly I got a call. I took a while and received it and regretted that why I did receive, man!     The call was from a web hosting company and a ‘human’ telecaller asked me in a ‘robotic’ way that if I’m interested in buying their web-hosting.     I… Read More »What is Content Marketing?